Physics of liquid-vapor transformation at nano-scale: Development of new models to shed light on the physics of the liquid-vapor transformation at the nano-scale. Specially, at these scales,the role of interfaces is dominant compared to the bulk phases as we have shown in our previous publications.
Boost in the conversion efficiency of this transformation: The energy required to drive the transformation should only be supplied to this interface. In most of the current implementation of the phase-change phenomenon, the entire bulk liquid is heated to derive the liquid-vapor phase change. A portion of absorbed heat by the bulk material is transferred to the liquid-vapor interface for phase transformation and the rest is dissipated to the surrounding environment. The dissipated energy leads to drop in the energy conversion efficiency. Heat localization is an approach in which the thermal energy is only supplied to the interface for phase transformation and dissipated energy is minimized consequently boosting the energy conversion efficiency. Heat localization can be achieved by different approaches such as plasmonic nanoparticles and hybrid structures.
New implementation of liquid-vapor transformation at small scales: The applications span in a wide range of energy harvesting, photo-thermal therapy (Cancer therapy, drug delivery), biosensors and actuators.